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Dec 1, 20233 min read
Extension - what is the key to do it in a compliant way?
I'm sure you need to work with deadlines. 30 days' lead-time for deviation or complaint investigation, also hard deadlines for CAPAs and...
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Jul 5, 20232 min read
World of CAPAs - spinoff: Effectiveness checks
In part 1, we discussed when it is worth to open CAPAs. In Part 2, we discuss how we can establish a good quality CAPA. Now, let's see...
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Jul 2, 20231 min read
World of CAPAs - part 2
In part 1, we discussed when it is worth to open CAPAs. Now, let's evaluate what we need to think through when we define the CAPA itself....
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Jul 1, 20232 min read
World of CAPAs - part 1
CAPA is basic process in all pharma companies, being not only a mandatory one, but can (should, must) be also an asset in continuous...
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Jun 15, 20231 min read
Be brave! Kill your abandonded records!
Even the best companies might face the situation that an old unclosed event fall out of the closet. It can be a two-year old CAPA, a...
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